The lyrics to the childhood song I sang all the time have rung true this spring. Weather is always a huge factor for trees and shrubs in our environment. The last 10 years we have seen many drastic changes. This year, many trees died from freeze. Not freeze from winter. Freeze from spring. Our daytime temperatures warm up, welcoming new growth. Then nighttime temperatures zap the trees. It has always been a factor for fruit bearing trees, but now it has really affected many tree varieties.
Our mature Chinese Pistache seemed like it took forever to grow leaves. The first generation froze so we did not see leaves until the next generation which was just a few weeks ago. Younger trees can even die.
In Corrales, there has been an influx of Cottonwood beetle. (Above is a photo of beetle larvae on a blade of grass) This bug is a leaf eating bug about the size of a ladybug. They will not hurt your cottonwood tree, but they are a huge annoyance in your environment. They come out by the thousands and will not leave your picnic tables alone. They will also try getting in your house through the vents.
I had my first bagworm sighting of the season last week. While bagworms do not hurt your trees, they are completely disgusting. We treat this bug for the disgusting factor more often than you can imagine.
Weed killer (above) seems to be the biggest factor in not maintaining our urban forest.
So many dead trees everywhere!
Last week I had one day of 17 appointments and each one was herbicide damage. Sixteen were from weed killer and one was from the stuff you pour down your drain to clear it of roots. The customer did not understand that dead roots means a dead tree. Regardless, the tree is just as dead. So sad.
It is very sad to me when I realize that older couples will never see a full-size tree in their yard again. It is very sad to me when people have full-size trees that die because of their neighbor’s weed killer use.
On a brighter note, I had a delightful afternoon drinking margaritas with a couple who have been our customers for several years. They have what I call a margarita-ready backyard; so relaxing and peaceful with humming birds as our entertainment. Perks of the trade!
Our sister company, Cut and Dry Lumber, will be featured on KOB4 television series, DIY with Danielle. It will air on May 31st. We are very excited! “Look, Papa. Our baby is all grown up.” If you want to try a little DIY yourself, Cut and Dry can sell you wood that is ready to use. If you are not a DIY person, they can custom make a piece for you. If you want to see some of their work, visit the back bar at Sadie’s on 4th Street. The bar and the bar tables were made by Cut and Dry.
I usually write about the things I see in my daily experiences. If there are things you would like me to address, drop me a line and I will do my best to address your concerns or ideas.
Thank you for reading!
Camille the Arborista
About Us
For more than 40 years, Baca’s Trees has been offering ISA Certified Arborist services and tree removal in Albuquerque and the neighboring New Mexico cities.
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